Welcome to my portfolio website!

Hi, I’m Unnati Shah
a Data Scientist.

I love working with data and technology! I am passionate about leveraging data science and analytics to formulate data-driven strategies and generate valuable analytical insights. Currently I am pursuing MS in Computer Science at the University of Southern California. Throughout my undergraduate and graduate coursework, I have worked on various projects around Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Recommendation Systems, Deep Learning etc. My passion for Data Science stems from my love for statistics. I aspire to leverage my knowledge in machine learning and algorithms in solving real-world high impact projects as a Data Scientist.

Education: MS in Computer Science at University of Southern California

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What I Do

Data Analysis

ETL (Extract, Transform, Load), Data Modeling & Warehousing, Data Visualization, Data Mining, Predictive Modeling, Statistical Analysis, Big Data

Machine Learning

Exploratory Data Analysis , Feature Engineering, Hyperparameter Tuning, Deployment and Integration, Reinforcement Learning

Natural Language Processing

Text Preprocessing, Part-of-Speech Tagging, NER, Sentiment Analysis, Text Classification & Summarization, Information Extraction

Business Intelligence

Tableau, Power BI

Web Development

Front-end, Back-end, Database, Version Control

App Development

App Design, Swift Programming, Xcode, UIKit Framework, Networking, iOS SDK, Deployment, Testing

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What Clients Say



Ruby Zhang

Founder & CEO

iOS App Developer

May, 2023 - August, 2023

As the founder of SoFiiT, I had the pleasure of working closely with Unnati, our outstanding iOS developer. From day one, she set the bar high, achieving the remarkable feat of completing all sign-up screens within just three days. Unnati's strong teamwork, technical prowess, and positive attitude made her a valuable asset to our organization, and I recommend her for any iOS development role in the future.

Ohio State University

Yongzhi Wang

Assistant Professor

Graduate Research Assistant

September, 2022 - Present

It was my great pleasure to work with Unnati and provide her mentorship on research. Through our collaboration, Unnati demonstrated excellent work ethics in areas such as effective communication, efficiency, high quality deliverables, etc. Unnati possesses sophisticated programming skills including, but not limited to, natural language processing, and big data management. Future potential corporate employers will find Unnati a valuable asset who strives to contribute to the success of the enterprise. I would therefore provide my strong recommendation to Unnati for her future career endeavors.


Sam Siu

Founder & CTO

iOS App Developer

May, 2023 - August, 2023

Unnati is an asset to any team! She's the kind of team player whom everyone loves. She's always ready to roll up her sleeves and get things done. Not just that, her creative ideas can transform any meeting into a fun brainstorming session. As an iOS developer, she's top-notch, but what really sets her apart is her stellar communication skills. She has a knack for expressing her thoughts in a way everyone understands. Plus, if there's any mix-up or misunderstanding, she helps remove any blockers to help the team run smoothly. Working with Unnati isn't just productive, it's an absolute pleasure!

Unnati Isapt

Bhaven Shah

Business Owner

Web Development

May, 2020 - Aug, 2022

I appreciate and endorse your well-oriented web development skills to exhibit the products at it's real strength. We acknowledge your committed performance and dedication towards our web development contract to complete our website self defined stipulated timeliness. Your Tech-secure, Conceptual and Intellectually designed website of our company with easy-to-use interface has helped us to promot our brand globally. Best wishes for your future endeavors.